
For The Twenty-something Singles

2:47 PM

For The Twenty-something Singles by Jong

One should understand that there really is no timeline in life. That at a certain age, this is where you should be. Screw that. Society wired us to think that way, so now we have a difficulty on thinking a better one. It’s hard to go away with it.

See, we all have different roads we ought to take, so comparisons are of no use, it actually just makes matters worse.

See, just because the world is telling you this and that doesn’t necessarily mean that you should give in to what it dictates you to do.

See, just because friends your age are in relationships or are getting married or are having babies or are having their own families doesn’t necessarily mean you also should be doing the same.

See, there is nothing wrong with being single, with being different, with being true to yourself and with being the person you’re comfortable with. What if it’s not what the world wants? So? It’s never about them anyway. It’s about you at ease with your own skin and not minding what others are thinking or saying. At the end, it’s about you and your choices. It’s about you and your Maker. It’s never going to be about you and the world.

See, it’s perfectly fine to take your time. Go and date yourself, enjoy your own company. Be your own bestfriend. Know what you like and don’t. In the process, be gentle with yourself. You deserve love as much as others do. Fall in love—with the stars, the moon, the flowers, the sunset, the beach, with your job, your family, friends, and especially, with you. You deserve your love, too.  

See, don’t give in to the pressure of the world. There are lots, that’s for sure. Relax. Trust the timing of your life. Trust that God listens to your prayers. Trust that He wants what’s best for you, that’s why He wants you to wait. And in waiting, you’ll learn vital life lessons you shouldn’t have learned had you rushed. In a world where instant and fast are all you can hear about here and there, it’s not wrong to take things slow. To pause. Breathe. Be in the moment.

See, instead of trying so hard to “un-single” yourself because of all that pressure, why not take this time to make yourself a priority? Use the liberty to your advantage. Cross off some things in your bucket list. Travel someplace neat. Read a book. Enjoy the rain and toss that umbrella. Fall in love with cold nights and warm beds and your homemade coffee. Make a wish at 11:11. Pray in churches, in temples. Grow and be that person you always want to be, because who knows when you’ll be this single again, right?

See, there really is no timeline, there’s just God who knows you better than the world does. And timelines are man-made, temporary and fleeting, your Maker isn’t. So what if you’re single? So what if you’re not meeting others’ expectations? So what if you’re on a road less travelled? The questions are endless. So what? Don’t let it get into you. As long as you know your purpose and you know you have God in you, you have all you need. And you’re on the right track.

Keep moving. Keep the faith, and everything else will fall into place.

*Some of my ideas came from reading Thought Catalog.  

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