
Poetry's Stories: Monday, What Do you Say?

4:41 PM

Photo credits: Pinterest

Here is a poem for today: 

Everybody hates?

Mysteriously, a bunch distastes me
Or should I say, all of ‘em. I did
Nothing bad for them to treat me
Dreadfully unacceptably like this.
Always there for them, like the sunshine
Yet give me what I deserve not

What if He forgot
Me? What will happen
To your week, to your life then?

Here is another poem I made today (after reading an article about child hunger in Africa):  

Photo credits:

Their Silver Platters

Here we go again
The usual day of making bargain
Seems that candlelight meals are extravagant
But no, not for us
We do that each day
With barely there food on the tray
Then we go through the rough battle
Thinking of how long are we gonna struggle
Of this cruelty nobody knows who
                                      Started, yes, we have no clue
I wonder how it might have been for me
If I were raised in a different family
Who has silver platters every where
Who has more than what one could wear
I wonder how it might have been if I
Were a kid of those with green sky
People who could afford all
The luxuries in the world
I wonder if they think about us
When they spend their pesos
On things that are unnecessary pleasures
Instead of helping helpless peoples
Like us, who are found almost every where
You give your stare
I wonder how this canvas would look like
Without our hungry souls
With just them on our soles
Above the ground
Would it still be a place worth
Living in and fighting for? 

That's it then. Stay tuned for more doses of poetry. 

Thankies munchies,
Jong  J

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