LET Tips

LET Tips: Before, During, and After

3:34 PM

After passing the Licensure Exam for Teachers (LET), some of my co- teachers asked for some tips. That's when I thought of posting it here so that many would be able to know these very helpful tips I'm about to tell you, dear reader. Of course, we have our own ways in preparing for any exam, so I won't insist you follow my tips. It's really up to you if you will. I'll share it anyway, because these have helped me for LET-- so proven and tested. I hope it will help you, too.

Before the LET:

  • READ. Read a lot. You never know the entire coverage of the exam. Although you're guided with the topics and the nature of the exam, you have to prepare yourself for the unexpected items that will surely come out in the exam (Trust me on this. Unexpected, I repeat.) So you better READ, so that you'll be ready!
  • REVIEW. Review all the basic concepts for each subject (for General Education). I suggest you go back to your elementary lessons and refresh your mind. But if you have a photographic memory and you still remember your Grade school lessons, then don't sweat it. You're good already. For Professional Education, familiarize yourself with the theories in Education and its application in real- life classroom settings. These items require analysis and much time since they're more on situations and case- to- case basis. So prepare by exposing yourself with test questions regarding Prof Ed. As for the Major part (in my case it's English), allot enough time in reviewing important aspects in both Language and Literature. Be sure to be familiar with the famous writers and their contribution to society. Having a timeline is very helpful. You can check it out here English timeline and American timeline
  • PRIORITIZE. If you're serious in passing the exam, you should make studying a priority. How do you do that? By setting a "Study Schedule". I have a job. I do this and that. I have many things to consider. Blah, blah, blah. Reasons. I mean, who's not doing something, right? Just do it. Study. Study at least one hour a day. Begin reviewing concepts at least four months before the exam, so that you have sufficient time to cover everything. Take it seriously but never take yourself too seriously. Smile and live life. Enjoy. Treat yourself with something you deserve once in a while. 
  • BE CONFIDENT. LET is the type of exam in which your prior knowledge is tested. So be confident with what you already have. You can test your stock knowledge by answering test questions from the web or from reviewers. Only you can determine how far you can go; if you know what I mean. Lastly, this means that you never get zero in the test. That's for sure. 
  • PREPARE YOURSELF. When I say prepare yourself, I mean your whole self-- physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Your entire body should be ready not just for the exam but for the whole day of sitting down and shading answers. 
  • PRAY. This is the most simple yet the most powerful tip you should do. In every step of the way, you should ask for His guidance and He will never surely fail you!

During the LET:
  • PRAY. It is important that you pray and give thanks for the outcome of the entire day before you go out of the bed. 
  • FEEL GRATEFUL. This is the day you've been preparing for for four years. Be thankful that it has come and you'll feel that just right!
  • EAT. Eat breakfast. Not heavy, not light. Eat just enough so that you will have the necessary energy to go through the rough day.
  • FOCUS. Focus. Focus. It sounds easy but doing so is hard, especially due to time constraints and the pressure of the exam itself. You can focus on the test questions by encircling key words and/ or underlining same words on the question found on the answers. These scribbles are helpful in understanding what the questions ask for. 
  • FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS. No need to expand this since it's self- explanatory. :)
  • BE QUICK. Since this exam has limited time, you should read the question, as much as possible, only once. If you don't understand what its point is, then skip. Proceed to the next question. Answer all easy questions first, but be mindful of the numbers you're answering. You can't afford to make an erasure. Shade the right circle only when you're sure. Then that's the time you'd go back for the items which need more time to answer, or the difficult ones. 
  • BE TIME- CONSCIOUS. (This is in relation to the above- mentioned tip.) Being time- conscious means that you know how to manage the given exam. Once you're the master of the time, things will go smooth and you'll never run out of it!
  • SHADE SLOWLY BUT SURELY. Be sure to shade properly-- not too light or too heavy. Make a circle first then fill in. Cover the whole circle. Remember that a machine checks the paper, so you have to follow instructions as to the correct shading process. 
  • RELAX. BE CALM. DON'T PANIC. Surely LET is not easy. To tell you honestly, it's more than difficult. It's not just the exam itself. It's the day itself. Yet, I'm here to tell that you should not be tensed. Relax and be calm. You've been waiting for this you're whole college life so don't mess up by feeling weak. You can do it. Tell yourself to be calm and things will run smooth. 

After the LET:
  • CHOCOLATES. Most people love to eat chocolates. So, treat yourself! Go and indulge! Celebrate because you know you deserve it!
  • GIVE THANKS. You should thank God for giving you good health and clear mind for the day. Be thankful that finally, LET is over so you don't have to worry about it any longer!
  • BE OPTIMISTIC. Just be positive. Think good thoughts. You will pass. Tell that to yourself.
  • BE CONFIDENT. You did your best! (Didn't you?) So be happy. Also, don't talk to others much about it for negative thoughts might arise and you'll start doubting yourself. You will pass. 
  • PRAY EVEN HARDER. Prayer is an important element that should not be forgotten, whether it's a test or not. In anything that you do, pray. It's important that God knows what you really want because He always listens and answers your prayers! He never fails to answer your prayer. :)
  • BELIEVE. Believe that you will get your heart's desire and have a strong faith in Him. 

Through these tips, I was able to make it! I passed..! :) Nothing is really impossible if you have hard work, determination, self- discipline and faith. :)  (Photo credits: Google)

Well, what do you think dear? Do you find these tips helpful? Let me know! Please feel free to drop a comment below and don't forget to indicate your link so that I could pay you a visit.

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