food for thought

Take Time to Think Things Out: Food For Thought

6:07 PM

It’s been a long time since I posted an update for my blog. I’m sorry, guys. I’ve been out and about these past few months and honestly, I didn’t quite get the enthusiasm and motivation to post, and I’m sorry about that.
For today’s post, it’s actually very random. I want to share some important things I’ve learned about life, so far. This is the outcome of a very sudden LIFE-CHANGING decision I’ve chosen. These are what I call as “Food for Thought” and I hope that they may inspire you.
I’ve realized:
1.       That before you decide on something life-changing, you need to ponder on the consequences of your choice. And when you do choose, you must be fully accountable and responsible for choosing so.
2.       That not every opportunity is for you to grab; rather, it’s for you to think about and work on.
3.       That the pain of leaving is the same pain as letting go; either way, you get separated from the people you’re attached to.
4.       That there is always a choice—between staying and leaving. You can’t say, “I had no choice.” No. You always have a choice. It’s just that, the choice made you, and you didn’t make the choice. There is a difference between the two.
5.       That between staying and leaving, you always choose the option which will make the MAJORITY win. Stop thinking that it is all about YOU. You’ve got to choose what’s best for the many. And when you do so, make sure it will bring out the best in one another.
6.       That life is like the ocean—sometimes it remains so calm for a long time and then when a boat passes by, big waves follow. That, with just one boat, the calm ocean changes into something wild: waves as if swallowing the shores. That, in just a blink of an eye, something so steady can become wavy.
7.       That life is always unpredictable, no matter how hard you plan, if the Big Guy up there has other plans for you, so be it.
8.       That loving means courage. When you love someone, don’t expect for her/him to love you back. Just. Love. It will never make you less of a person if your love is not returned. Instead, it will make you stronger and wiser. So that when the right “love” comes, you know you’re ready for it.
9.       That there is a difference between doing what you love and loving what you do. Try to get a balance between the two.
10.   That happiness? It’s never an effect. That, I’ve learned the hard way. Happiness is and should be a cause. And what is its effect? When you are happy, you make the world a better place. You radiate an aura of positivity—just what the world needs. There’s already too much hatred and hurt and sadness and sorrow, you don’t want to add up to that, do you?

Thank you for reading and I hope this post is helpful and/or inspiring. I truly wish you’ll have a lovely and awesome weekend! Kisses.

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  1. I hope whatever you are going thru is not too tough on you. It certainly taught you some very important lessons. The happiness one I practice daily, making an impact one interaction at a time with people, letting them see what being happy can do. Great stuff, dear! Big hugs and love for you!

    All Things Bright and Lovely

    1. Thank you for the concern, Shamu! It's greatly appreciated. It certainly did teach me valuable lessons :)

  2. Beautiful post

    Love Vikee
